Exposure to Radio frequencies and excess SAR value have been major concerns over the past few decades. CDPH’s guidelines are aimed at making people aware of the optimal use of their smartphones while keeping them safe. However, before we talk about the guidelines, let’s talk about why you should be worried about excess radiations.

Smartphone radiations: Why so serious?

The first time we were made aware of increasing radiations was when the SAR value topic was raised. The Specific Absorption Rate or SAR value of the older handsets were found to be causing diseases like brain hemorrhage or cancer, in some cases. Brain growth in children is especially affected because of the excess radiation. Exposure to Radio Frequency energy from Cell Phones can cause physical weakness and other major diseases if excessively absorbed. These radiations can cause disruption to brain glucose metabolism and even add to increasing stress generating proteins.

How can you safeguard yourself?

While the guidelines issued by California Department of Public Health (CDPH) are effective in this matter, there is more you can do to safeguard yourself. Here we are listing some measures you can take to avoid excess radiations.

Check the SAR value of your smartphone

After regulators became stringent about SAR value in handsets, all major manufacturers welcomed the move. When you buy a new phone today, there are chances that it comes with a limited SAR emission. However, if you’re buying local handsets with cheaper antennae, you may be risking yourself.

Keep the phone away from your body

In previous researches, it was proven that the presence of a radiation source on your body can make you weak. Keeping your phone in your pocket can cause tiredness, weakness, and even lead to fertility issues. It is advisable that you keep your smartphone in your bag or anywhere else, to avoid keeping it on the body.

Reduce streaming and low network usage

According to the guidelines by CDPH, streaming multimedia content and usage of your phone on weak networks makes you prone to more radiation.

Keep it at a distance from bed

Your smartphone’s radiations can cause metabolism problems when kept near your bed at night. It is advised to keep your smartphone away from the bed before you sleep. This will help you stay away from electronics at night and also reduce your nightly exposure to radiations.

Use EMR reduction technology

While there are many Electromagnetic Radiations (EMR) absorption solutions available, only a select few are credible. One of the more credible approaches to EMR reduction are chips that you can stick on your phone or laptop. Using a good EMR reduction approach goes a long way in reducing the ill-effects of radiations from your devices like laptops and smartphones.

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