In short, if a user wants to know about a movie, whose poster is available right in front of him, then he can just launch that application and let it to its business. The Application will take a snap of that poster and then after searching it will reveal you all the details about that movie. That application will automatically direct you towards the IMDB website page, where all the details will be mentioned. Initially as the set of features of this application, the domain of its search has been confined to All English Language Album covers, fiction books, DVD covers and movie posters. Later on, as it keeps on getting updated they will try to include as many physical objects they can, which might help you to find those exact pair of sandals which your friend wore last time at the party. Blippar has been doing really good with their clients and considered to be the fastest growing image recognition and augmented reality application across the globe.

Ambarish Mitra, Founder and CEO of Blipper, mentioned that with the upcoming and foreseen potential that wearable and smartphone industry holds, user will get includes to this kind of search mechanism. He also stated that “The human imagination, curiosity and the quest for knowledge are all often limited by our capacity to define and assign language to describe and seek answers from the world around us, Today marks the beginning of a new era of search, where curious users will be able to visually search the world through the lens of the Blippar app. The technology holds massive potential for enriching real world experiences and delivering genuine value to our users. The visual search is not replacing text-based search, it’s an alternate behavior which satisfies people’s spontaneous needs of instant object focused curiosity, therefore introducing the light web.” There is no doubt that the idea behind the application is highly futuristic and they will have to fight a highly known competitor in this industry known by the name of ‘Google Image Search’. Though, it hasn’t taken any form of mobile application as of now, but it is quite obvious to believe that it definitely will.